Global Celebrity Born

Dr. Muhammad Younus:

Professor Mohammad Younus is the only global celebrity born in the last 100 years in the history of Bengal.. 80% more people don’t know who is Dr. Mohammad Younus.

The most prestigious prize in the world is Nobel, surely know that? Do you know which prize position is after Nobel as honorary? Respectfully..

1. Nobel

2. American Presidential Award

3. US Congressional Award

In the history of the world, there are 12 people who have won the top 3 awards! Do you understand what will be the next line,

Yes, one of those 12 professor Dr. Muhammad Younus..

Must know Messi! If I say this Lionel Messi was standing in the line for Prof. Da Younus, believe it, not true!

‘Olympic Games’ is one of the world’s prestigious competition. And the most respected guest at the Olympics is the torch bearer, Professor Dr. was the torch bearer at the 2020 Olympics held in Japan. Muhammad Younus


Dr. Younus does profit with this money:

Currently Dr is among the top 10 in any list of Leading Intellectuals in the world. Younus. It is very difficult to find an alternative to Nobel winner Younus in the Muslim world, but he belongs to our Bangladesh! Still doubt whether such Yunus will be born in this country!

Microsoft’s Bill Gates drove himself and showed Professor Younus the entire Silicon Valley city.

The lift of the court building would have been shut down whenever he had to be presented at the 8th floor of the court. After 82 years, this accused would have to go to the 8th floor every time. And this has happened like 40 times.

107 universities around the world have Muhammad Younus Center. Universities have done this on their own initiative. The main reason is his micro-finance. Which brought him and his grameen bank the Nobel peace prize.

Dr. Muhammad Younus is called ugly ‘Sudkhor’ repeatedly. Interesting thing is- most of the people who like Muhammad Younus don’t know, Muhammad Younus has no business of interest. Even though the Gramin Bank is established, it does not own a single taka in the Gramin Bank, it does not have any share. Never was.

Things might seem amazing to you-me. But this is true. Dr. This is the basis of Muhammad Younus’s micro-finance concept.

No one can own this business. Totally non-profit and non profitable.

This is called social business. There is no specific owner. The people are the owner of it.

Dr. Muhammad Yunus established a rural bank by bringing donation money from outside. Even though he established it himself, he didn’t own a penny in the institution. Rather 25% ownership of the government, the rest ownership of the poor people. Dr. Muhammad Younus used to employ only 300 dollars in his established bank.

He established a company in such a way that no one can own it. He registered it according to section 28 of the company ordinance.

Not only the grameen bank he didn’t own. George Soros, bringing the Telenors he established grameen telecom. Telinor comes to Bangladesh in his words. In his words his billionaire friends fund the poor for development. He established grameen telecom. That too as a non-profit organization. Many people do not know that Dr. Muhammad Younus established Gramin Telecom as a non-for-profit company. Even there he didn’t own 1% for himself. He could have kept the 10-15 percent ownership for himself if he wanted. But he made sure that even a penny of profit does not come to him.

The interest rate in its established government-controlled rural bank is still the lowest in Bangladesh. Yet naturally you would think nobody takes interest like grameen banks. And of course Dr. Younus does profit with this money!

Actually the people of our country can’t even imagine these, a man will do business but will not profit from there. We can’t even think of such things. All we can think about is making money.

As Dr. Muhammad Younus said- There is happiness in earning money, peace in the benefit of others. In his language, earning money for yourself is happiness, the benefit of others is super happiness. ‘

Muhammad Younus thinks, if everyone is to own property unitedly, the poor will become poorer, the rich will become richer. So the world system will become unshakable. From this belief he created all non-profit or non-profit organizations, has no ownership of himself.

Can you think of this? Any company you see in Bangladesh, they are all ownership.

Quit company talk, watch NGO BRAC! Malikana Fazle Hasan Abed’s family. Family members in big positions.

But Muhammad Younus didn’t do that. He didn’t put himself or family in his company established.

But if Dr. Muhammad Younus wanted, he could have become a billionaire by keeping his ownership in these businesses. Very easy.

Almost all his friends are billionaire, multi billionaire. He didn’t go that way.

Many can ask questions, then what is Dr. Muhammad Younus’s source of income?

I’m sure many don’t know this either.

Dr. Muhammad Younus is the world’s one of the highest paid speaker. He is paid to give speech. It takes 75 thousand to 1 lakh dollars to listen to his statement. Sometimes more.

The reputed institutions of the world take him to listen to his speech.

He is also called for various events planning.

Muhammad Younus is one of the 3 organizing committee of the Paris Olympics to be held in France in 2024. There is another President Makhro.

Italians are planning to get him for the 2026 Italy Olympics. So that he gives advice.

Meanwhile we think he gets money from his established company like Grameen Bank and Grameen Telecom. As if the government does not eat the interests of the rural bank, Dr. Muhammad Younus does. They never publicly admit that they are 0. 01% don’t even share.

He wanted to make a university in Bangladesh, but did not get permission. Would be an international standard university. If he said the best professors in the world would be there and take classes. Even Bill Gates or American President would have come to his university to give speech if he called.

But that wasn’t allowed to happen. He wasn’t allowed to do university.

As much as you know Dr. Muhammad Younus, you will think – as a country and nation, we do not deserve Dr. Muhammad Younus.

That’s it Dr. The word of Muhammad Shahidullah is coming true, “A country which does not value quality cannot be born multiplied”…

Have we ever been able to appreciate the qualities of a virtue of a virtue.

Let’s learn to respect the deserving person… 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩